Phtalo is dedicated to designing problem-solving strategies that are both simple and accurate

With a deep understanding of the complexities that businesses face, we specialize in crafting innovative solutions that cut through the noise and provide clear, actionable paths to success.

At Phtalo, we are committed to solve problems as quick and thorough as possible. We prioritize building strong relationships, fostering open communication, and acting as trusted partners throughout the entire journey. Our goal is to equip organizations with the tools, strategies, and knowledge they need to navigate the complexities of the business landscape confidently.



In light of the increasingly rapid pace of environmental changes, incremental improvements alone are often insufficient to maintain competitiveness.

To remain at the forefront of the industry, it is crucial to periodically reinvent your business and, instead of merely adapting to the environment, proactively shape the environment to align with your goals.


Human beings are not purely rational beings, and this holds true for decision makers as well. Consequently, solutions may lie in unconventional and non-rational avenues that would otherwise be overlooked. By incorporating approaches and insights from.


At times, challenges emerge with remarkable speed, necessitating prompt attention. While some issues allow for adequate time to identify and implement solutions, others demand immediate resolution.

When confronted with an unexpected threat posed by a competitor, how does one effectively address it? Similarly, in the face of a rapidly advancing technology surpassing initial projections, does your business possess the resilience to endure?

Strategic planning for a Dutch consultancy



Determination of the vision, mission and steps ahead towards realization